Fractured Not Broken

Wipe the tears. Pull down your shirt. Roll up your sleeves. Add mascara. Smile. Everything’s okay.

But it’s not. Everything is crashing down and by this time it seems inexorable. On the inside you’re bundled up with doubts and fears of tomorrow, of the next hour, of where you’re heading, of every single thing- including now. 

Today, we’re faced with the idea of “perfection.” This insubstantial expectation is what we now consume ourselves with. Whether it’s us putting ourselves through the thoughts or others grating the hope into our brains and causing us to crack, but being too afraid to open and spill the darkness in front of a single soul.

But the truth is, we’re all a little messed up. We aren’t perfect. We have our flaws and shortcomings. Bottom line- we all sin.

This reminds me of my absolute favorite bible verse:

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

 – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

I could go into depth on why I love this so much, but that’s another post. What this says is that we are not perfect. We are not Jesus and we can’t walk on water and we can’t heal someone just by touching them. But what it doesn’t say is that we’re hopeless. We aren’t a broken glass laying on the kitchen floor who’s next step is going straight into the trash. That’s not us. We have the hope because we aren’t completely destroyed. Yeah, we have dents, but those can pop right back out and be fixed. We have hope from God.

We have to be okay with being “hard pressed.” It’s okay to have a fracture inside you and admit it to someone and it’s even more okay to admit it in front of Him. He already knows you are so why don’t we just go ahead and say it for ourselves? We overlook the fact that He knows everything. Everything. Even the little things we think are buried and covered inside our heart. He knows. And we think that part of it we can hide, but you can’t. No matter how hard you try, you can’t. So why not go ahead and admit it and start a path to a life of wholeness with the one who is Holy? 

Cause aren’t we all fractured and capable of being fixed?


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